The concept of Starchildren is not new, but spending time understanding their soul purposes, why they are here, and how to help them benefits all. This blog explores Starchildren, their cosmic origins, and identifying traits that define these unique individuals.
What Is a Starchild?
I am not a huge label person, as we are generally not one size fits all. It’s important not to label and put your children on a pedestal. Understanding that all children are important and are here to have earthly experiences that our souls need.
Starchildren are still humans who have chosen to reincarnate on this planet. They may have specific soul purposes to assist with some aspects of humanity.
These kiddos (who do become adults) are a form of lightworkers who have chosen to come here to assist in the ascension of our planet and its inhabitants.
The Mystique of Starchildren
Sometimes, you can see it in their eyes. They possess an unexplainable deepness and inner knowing. When you talk to a Starchild, you may find out they have this inner homesickness feeling.

Tracing the Origins of Starchildren
Many Starchildren, or Starseeds souls, originate from other planets or even universes. They are extraterrestrial in nature, but they have chosen to incarnate on Earth as humans.
They have a deep connection to the cosmos and other galaxies.
Cosmic and Spiritual Background of Starchildren
Using mediation and other spiritual tools, they can communicate with their ‘species’ to help the planet. They may utilize light language to heal and communicate.
Recognizing the Unique Traits of Starchildren
They tend to be empaths, picking up other people’s traumas and dramas. It’s essential to teach them not to do this and to learn a healthy sense of “detached compassion.”
It’s a similar concept when we are on an airplane, and the flight attendant tells us we must put the oxygen mask on ourselves first, then our child. Detached compassion helps to keep our souls in a more protected space.
We can empathize with the situation while we listen, but we need to know that that person’s problem is not mine. I can help them better if I detach from the traumas and dramas.
Common Characteristics and Abilities of Starchildren
That inner knowing that a Starchild has can cause them to be somewhat impatient, as if they get tired of waiting for the rest of us to catch up to what they know.
Their psychic abilities vary widely; they can readily tune into other energies and entities. It’s crucial to ensure your little one, and even yourself, that you communicate with being in the higher realms.
Comparing Starchildren with Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children
Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow children are all Starchildren, Starseeds. They came here at specific times and have specific traits that will help move healing to this planet.
Indigo children, who started arriving around the 1960s, may be stubborn, dismiss authority due to their psychic intuitions, and have a semi-rebellious personality.
Crystal children may become overly emotional and sensitive. Many of their decisions are based on their feelings and intuition. They may have a natural inclination to the arts and enjoys solitude and quiet.
Rainbow Children have a heightened sense of psychic ability. They are high energy and highly in tune with what is around them. They also really don’t think much of what others say about them.
Some speculate these are new souls to this planet, but I am unsure how accurate that thought is.
The Higher Purpose of Starchildren
Starchildren are here to help our troubled planet. They voluntarily come here to become change catalysts, movers and shakers, activists, and humanitarians to serve humanity.
What makes this difficult is that they often forget who they are and their purpose. Remembering is important to their mission.
Contributions to Humanity’s Spiritual Growth
Starchildren often arrives when there is a planet in transition. They come in many shapes, sizes, colors, and purposes.
For example, Boyan Slat is a huge change agent for our planet. While of a family vacation, he was disgusted with the trash in the ocean while scuba diving. That experience propelled him to take action to clean up the earth’s waters.

Supporting a Starchild’s Journey
Starchilden’s needs are unique to their soul and soul purposes, but they are not much different from any other child’s. They need to feel safe, loved, and supported.
Navigating the Modern World as a Starchild
It is essential to learn how the unseen, energetic world affects us. This applies to Wi-Fi, electricity, and other man-made energies that can bombard us.
I remember having our Smart Meter removed from the house, and one of my children immediately started sleeping better.
Overcoming Challenges in a Skeptical Society
I do believe that society is becoming more understanding of the unseen world and how it impacts us. While people may be skeptical or unacknowledged of a Starchild’s needs, we also need to teach them how to behave within society.
There has to be common ground. If your child cannot handle being around large groups of people, give him some exposure to strengthen his spiritual muscles and give him time to recharge.
Providing Emotional and Spiritual Guidance
Giving space is essential to everyone, not just Starchildren. Give yourself and your Starchild the gift of time to process, understand someone else’s perspective, and heal.
Welcoming Starchildren’s Wisdom into Your Life
It’s important to understand that no one group is more or less important than the other. And this also holds true for those who may not be a Starseed. Spirituality should never be a contest.
Starchildren have come here to assist in the ascension of humanity by bringing love, light, and truth to the planet. And, let’s face it, that is a big job!