What do reptilians look like? This question has intrigued spiritual seekers, conspiracy theorists, and researchers alike for centuries. Often described as towering, humanoid beings with scaly skin, slit-pupil eyes, and an unsettling presence, reptilians are said to exist beyond the physical realm, manipulating human affairs from the shadows.
In this article, we’ll explore their distinct physical traits, the different types of reptilian species, and how they interact with humanity.
Unveiling the True Appearance of Reptilians
I often get asked what reptilians look like. They have a variety of appearances, similar to humans, cats, or birds. Much of their variations depend upon their subspecies.
The Origins of Reptilian Species and Their Place Among Us
Through my work with clients over the years and by gathering data from each experience, I have learned much about this species and what we can do to regain our soul sovereignty. From my understanding, the reptilians originate from the Draco Constellation.
The reptilians are a dark species that seeks to conquer and destroy. When they left the light of GodSource energy, they needed to find a way to sustain themselves. Their first order of business was to conquer the Lyran system. This led to the Draco/Lyran wars, during which planets were destroyed, leaving many light beings homeless.
Before these events, we had never witnessed such destruction.
Moving forward, they have now found their way to our part of the universe, planet Earth. They have taken up residency here and are on a path of destruction. Reptilians feel that humans are an inferior species and have no problem manipulating and harming us.
They most often reside in the 4th dimension, that unseen energetic world between Heaven and Earth. Reptilians can also create pocket dimensions, a dimension inside a dimension. They dominate certain portals and stargates, which is how they can enter and leave certain planetary systems.

What Do Reptilians Look Like?
Reptilians have humanoid bodies with reptile features such as scaly skin, claws, and tails. Their skin color can vary from green to grey to a mottled brownish color.
They tend to be 8-15 feet tall and have a very unpleasant odor.
Physical Characteristics That Define Reptilian Beings
Reptilians are taller than humans. They are also much stronger and have superior mental capabilities, including telepathy.
Unless the human has some level of psychic ability, most have not seen reptilians.
The Different Types of Reptilian Species and Their Unique Traits
Reptilian society is structured with distinct roles, each serving a specific purpose in their overarching goal of conquest and domination. These include:
- Dracos (The Rulers) – The highest-ranking reptilians, often considered royalty. They orchestrate and oversee their species’ efforts to control and subjugate other civilizations.
- Warriors (The Enforcers) – The foot soldiers of the Dracos, responsible for carrying out invasions, battles, and soul-harvesting operations. They are physically powerful and highly disciplined.
- Geneticists (The Manipulators) – These reptilians oversee breeding programs and genetic experiments. Their cruel practices begin at birth: hatchlings are left unfed, forcing them to fight and consume one another to survive—ensuring only the strongest endure and eradicating any potential for empathy. Geneticists also conduct experiments on humans, implanting devices to manipulate emotions, distort perceptions, and maintain control. Some even insert reptilian DNA into human hosts, altering their spiritual makeup. Those affected must undergo extensive efforts to break free from this influence.
- Technologists (The Engineers) – The masterminds behind advanced reptilian technologies, including mind control systems like V2K (Voice to Skull). They also work on interspecies experiments and technological enhancements that further their species’ dominion over others.
Key Features That Distinguish Reptilians from Humans
There are numerous features that distinguish reptilians from humans. One such feature is that most humans are made of GodSource light.
Humanity, as a whole, strives to improve, to help, and to embody compassion and empathy. Reptilians do not possess these capabilities.
Eyes That Reveal Their True Nature
Most reptilian eyes have elongated slits for pupils. Their irises tend to be red, black or yellow. Their pupils will also move in unusual directions. If eyes are the window to the soul, it’s best not to look directly at them, eye to eye.
Scales, Skin, and the Hidden Details Beneath Their Disguises
All species of reptilians possess scaly, thick skin that is difficult to puncture, serving as a low-level form of armor for them. There is some weaknesses between their scales, especially around the front torso area and neck.
Do Reptilians Shape-Shift? Examining the Evidence
Reptilians are master shapeshifters known for taking over and inhabiting human bodies. I have witnessed this multiple times. The key is to observe the jawline; Reptilians are significantly larger than humans, especially in the jaw area.
This is where a psychically sensitive person might detect a reptilian presence within the body. There is a scaly, greenish-grey overlay that is hard to describe. I have seen this numerous times with global politicians, where the shapeshifter struggles to maintain a smaller form.
I have also encountered reptilians attempting to take over a person’s body. It appears as an odd overlay surrounding the human.
How They Mask Their Appearance to Blend into Society
They walk among us and have learned how to shapeshift to blend into society. Many of the humans they inhabit have sold their souls to them in exchange for extreme wealth or other accolades.
Think about Hollywood and politicians.
Signs and Subtle Glitches That Expose Their True Form
A reptilian shapeshifter cannot hold a shape for long periods of time. This is a frequency issue, and it requires a lot of energy to do so.
If you are psychic enough to see ghosts, guides, or other light beings, you need to ensure you are not dealing with a shape-shifter. How do you do that? You vet them. You test them. One way is to visualize yourself pouring salt on them. If they shape-shift or glitch, bring in your angels to remove them from your space. Immediately.
Depictions of Reptilians Throughout History and Modern Culture

Reptilians have been depicted in various forms of art throughout history. In biblical contexts, you see scaly demons with horns- yup, those are reptilians. The story of Adam and Eve and the serpent in the Garden of Eden? Yup, reptilian.
All holy texts talk about them. This means they have been on this planet for an incredibly long time.
Ancient Civilizations and Their Knowledge of Reptilian Beings
Reptilian races have existed on this planet for millennia, with examples including ancient Egypt and the Shemsu Hor, as well as the serpent gods of Mesopotamia.
Additionally, 7,000-year-old reptilian humanoid statues have been discovered.
Why Hollywood and Media Push a Distorted Image of Reptilians
Much of Hollywood is intertwined with the reptilian species—not all, but a lot. Hollywood has a vested interest in reptilians, and vice versa.
Closing Thoughts: Keeping an Eye Out for Reptilians
If you feel that you have or are being influenced by reptilians, getting professional spiritual help is key. Recognizing what reptilians look like can help individuals become more aware of their presence and take the necessary steps to protect their spiritual well-being.
These beings do not just exist in myth and legend; they are part of a larger spiritual war that has shaped human history and continues to affect the world today.
Those who seek clarity must sharpen their discernment, strengthen their spiritual defenses, and reclaim their sovereignty from forces that thrive on manipulation and deception. For a deeper understanding of this hidden battle and how to guard against dark entities, Spiritual War: Understanding the Unseen World and How it Affects Us provides crucial insights.
Additionally, for those ready to take action, our Spiritual Self-Defense (Part 1) Course offers practical techniques to identify, block, and remove negative influences, empowering you to reclaim control over your spiritual path.