Losing a loved one can leave us longing for signs that they’re still with us. Many wonder, when someone dies can they come back to see you, and if so, how? Throughout history, countless accounts suggest spirits may visit through dreams, sudden chills, or even unexplainable phenomena. But what truly happens when a soul crosses over, and how can we recognize their presence?
This blog explores the spiritual aspects of afterlife connections, the ways spirits may reach out, and what influences their ability to make contact.
Can the Dead Visit the Living?
Can a deceased loved one visit you? The answer is yes, but not in the way many of us think it should be.
The answer to this question has to do with concepts of spiritual law and what happens to the soul of your loved one upon death.
Beliefs and Accounts Throughout History
Many of us have been taught that when a person dies, they can return to have dinner and visit with us. We have been told that a ‘bad’ person will rot in hell or that they have unfinished business. These belief structures are harmful to the soul.
Every soul needs to cross over and return home to the heavens, the light side, or higher realms- whatever your term is for it.
When we die, the energy that animated our physical body- the soul- needs to go somewhere. If that soul energy lingers in the fourth dimension, it becomes ghost energy. Ghost energies have a low frequency and require assistance to cross over.
You can find tips and resources for helping loved ones cross over in the book Soul Tribe: Navigating the Spiritual War.

Common Ways Spirits May Appear
Ghosts and other spirits can appear to us in many ways. It all comes down to frequency and math. If the frequencies between you and the spirit entity are aligned or closely aligned, you can see or sense them.
Sometimes, our energies or frequencies are low, making contact difficult. The same is true for ghost energies. If they are low, they have a hard time communicating with us.
Ghosts always appear in the clothing in which they died. This is how we know when a ghost has died. Are they wearing clothing from the Roman Empire? This will also give us clues as to where the ghost last lived. Were they in a French Villa from the 1800s?
When Someone Dies, Can They Come Back to See You?
There are two types of human soul spirits to be addressed. The first is ghost energy. Ghosts are bound to the fourth dimension, which can bleed into the third dimension. Those sensitive to energies or psychic phenomena may see, feel, sense, or hear ghosts.
Ghosts can appear anywhere, at any time. A ghost may show up at the dinner table, return repeatedly to work, and even interfere with our electrical, plumbing, and other systems.
When ghost energy crosses over into the light, its contact with us is bound by specific parameters. Why? Because when a person dies, their karmic time on this planet is over, at least for now.
Once in the higher realms, the soul spends time with light beings reviewing its life, learning, and planning. Their love for us never dies or fades. A soul that has crossed over can communicate with us in our sleep state, show up in emergencies, and work with our higher self.
My deceased dad often visits me in my sleep, sharing knowledge. He also appeared while I was helping other loved ones cross over.
There was even one time when I was going through a really tough period. I was driving down the 15 in San Diego with the radio on when this old Elvis Presley song came on, and I could hear my dad singing that song. It was incredible and a reminder that everything would work out.
Signs That Indicate a Spirit’s Presence
There are many signs that we are not alone. These are just a few signs, as there are many more.
- You feel like something is watching you and no one is around.
- Unexplained chills or cold spots.
- Unexplained noises.
- Seeing apparitions.
- Seeing a dark, fleeting figure out of the corner of your eye.
- Unexplained smells.
- Your animals are acting odd, staring at nothing or growling for what appears to be no reason.
How and Why They May Reach Out
The big question is how and why they reach out. Many times, we need to hear a message. When this happens, we must slow down and pay attention. Lean into the message: how does it feel to you? Does it seem accurate? Do you sense that you might be misled? Always vet and check with whom or what you are communicating. This is key, as there are many shapeshifters and impostors.
What Affects a Spirit’s Ability to Return?
Souls that have gone to the light will only return when accompanied by a pair of angels. This is a spiritual law issue. The angels are here to help and guide us. They also work with us in the higher realms.
Ghosts are souls that have not crossed over into the light, and they need to do so with our help. Once that light fades, it becomes harder for them to reach it. Some ghosts are bound by the land, some by living people, and some simply roam.
This comes down to the ghosts’ knowledge. Do they know they died? If not, they may be bound to the space where they died. Are they grieving their death and hanging on to their loved ones? This means they are bound to the person. Some ghostly souls are lost and wandering, not sure where to go what to do.
All these situations are unfortunate, and they all need our help.
Timing and Strength of the Connection
It all comes down to frequencies and psychic abilities. Each of us possesses psychic abilities, and all our abilities ebb and flow, coming and going as needed.
To connect with spirit, it’s important to build your spiritual muscle and learn spiritual self-defense. Why? Because there are many tricksters and demonic forces that love deceiving and trusting humans.
Educate yourself. Figure out what rings true for you and why.
Why Some Spirits Never Make Contact
There are many reasons why some spirits don’t make contact. Their karmic obligations are complete. They know that if they interfere, they are altering your soul’s path. Are you meant to learn how to live life without your loved one? Are you meant to meet someone else?
Some spirits are truly higher-level beings who were here to help humanity progress, and now they have moved on to their next gig, so to speak.

Recognizing and Interpreting Their Presence
Learn to vet or test any being who is trying to contact you or you with them. That is the first step in spiritual self-defense. Learn how they feel. Look for glitches.
Dream Visitations and Their Meaning
When a deceased loved one visits us in our dreams, it typically indicates that they have crossed over and are connecting with us for various reasons.
Unexplained Physical Phenomena
The paranormal impacts us constantly. We can see, sense, and feel when something unexplainable happens.
Know that there is no such thing as no such thing. It’s helpful to educate ourselves and to learn with a bit of caution, too.
Closing Thoughts: Finding Peace in Their Presence
Christ spoke of life everlasting, including love. Our love for others will never fade or die; love cannot be broken. Ensure your deceased loved one has crossed over. Knowing this will give you inner peace, and you will ensure their soul is safe and secure in heaven and the higher realms.
Understanding the nature of spirit visitations requires an open mind, discernment, and awareness of the unseen forces at play. While many believe that when someone dies can they come back to see you, the reality is more complex, influenced by spiritual laws, energy frequencies, and the soul’s journey beyond this realm.
Recognizing authentic connections, ensuring spirits have crossed over, and protecting oneself from deceptive entities are essential steps in navigating these experiences.
For a deeper understanding of the spiritual forces that shape these encounters, explore Spiritual War: Understanding the Unseen World and How it Affects Us. Additionally, our Spiritual Self-Defense Course provides practical tools to help you safeguard your energy, strengthen your spiritual awareness, and confidently engage with the unseen world.