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What Is Shadow Work in Spirituality & What Is Its Purpose?

Have you ever asked yourself what is shadow work? The term shadow work seems to be a spiritual buzzword that people toss around lately. So, let’s take the mystery out of it.

What Is Shadow Work in Spirituality?

Our shadows are those internal aspects of us that we want to avoid, deny, or even ignore.

Maybe it’s a fear of finances, you constantly worrying about what others think of you, or breaking negative family patterns. Or perhaps it’s a past life trauma that comes to the surface, such as an odd phobia or anxiety that is not logical.

We all have parts of ourselves that we don’t love or need to work on, and these can change throughout our lives. When we have the courage and strength to work on these aspects of ourselves, healing, success, ascension, and so much more will happen quickly.

In fact, as we learn to heal through shadow work, the dis-ease within us ceases.

What Is Shadow Work Healing & How Does It Work?

Our shadows are the parts of us that we may have rejected, buried, or hidden away. They are traumas, actions, or deeds that our subconscious wants us to bury, as they can feel too hard to deal with.

The truth is that it may feel hard to heal our old hurts and traumas, but it’s harder not to deal with them. These unresolved elements can hold us back. 

What Is a Shadow Work Facilitator?

A trusted spiritual practitioner or healer may be able to assist you in your shadow work. They may help guide you, have unique insights, and more importantly, the ability to help you to help yourself.

Whenever you hire a spiritual practitioner, ask them questions as to how they can help you. Remember, you are always your soul’s advocate.

The Psychological Foundations of Shadow Work

Shadow Work

A large part of shadow work is introspection. Always, with introspection, you need to gift yourself the gift of time. The time to do the work.

Meditation can be an important aspect in discovering how to listen to that small voice inside of us that offers guidance and understanding.

Carl Jung’s Influence on Shadow Work

“There is no light without shadow and no psychic wholeness without imperfection.” Carl Jung

To me, this quote means we are not here to live perfect lives. We are here to learn and grow, after all, there is no learning in perfection. Carl Jung never thought that the shadow aspects of us are negative, they are there to learn how to shed them and to grow spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. 

The Role of the Unconscious Mind

Our subconscious mind is often the gatekeeper to our shadow work, the record keeper of our soul’s history. Shadow work, while it may feel heavy and looming, is very freeing when we get on the other side of it.

A large aspect of shadow work is learning to have the ability to let go and to understand that forgiveness has many levels to it. 

When we are wronged and have injustices happen to us, those around us may be quick to tell you that it’s time to forgive and move on with life. Easier said than done. Healing happens in degrees and waves. This is where learning to be kind and patient with ourselves is also a part of our shadow work. 

Benefits of Engaging in Shadow Work

When we actively engage in shadow work, it becomes empowering, raises our confidence and self-esteem. Your level of wisdom starts to increase, you may discover the ability to pause before you negatively react.

You will notice that your relationships will improve, or you may find you have started to let go of the unhealthy relationships. On the other hand, you may find you are not as easily triggered, especially if you have empath tendencies.

You start to rediscover your authentic self who you really are, and it will feel amazing. The shedding, or letting go, feels lighter and uplifting. There is a certain level of ‘spiritual’ maturity that happens, and it echoes throughout all your energetic fields. You may find that others now find your personality magnetizing.

All of these encompass a greater level of creativity, and creativity is pure GodSource-connected energy.

Enhancing Self-Awareness and Emotional Healing

We all have the power to choose our thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, those thoughts and feelings are hard to move past, especially when it comes to the death of a loved one or the shame or sadness of our actions.

However, when we are able to move from these heavy emotions to compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and understanding, we reclaim our soul healing.

Learning to be in the moment, to be present helps us to learn what’s truly important. For example, if you have a sibling who died and you find yourself at a family party thinking of him and becoming overwhelmed with grief, try to step out of it.

Do something simple like wash your hands, come back and watch the children playing or engage in a conversation with someone. This is an example of being present and in the moment.

Integrating the Shadow for Personal Growth

The entire purpose of shadow work is personal, soul growth. We don’t always get it right. We are here to learn. The more we learn, the more we heal, and that has a huge karmic ripple effect that echoes out.

Methods and Techniques of Shadow Work

There are many ways and strategies to do shadow work. The first step is to know what needs to be healed to be honest with yourself. It’s ok to take small steps.

For example, your boss makes you nervous, and when you are around him, you make mistakes you would never normally make. Take some time to figure out why. Do you have an insecurity about authority? Does your boss remind you of an abusive parent?

Figuring out what the ‘why’ is is the first step.

Meditation and prayers are important gifts of time that you can give yourself. It doesn’t have to be a long time. Maybe 5 minutes before you get out of bed. Do what works for you. The idea of needing to spend a long weekend alone on a mountaintop really isn’t necessary.

Journaling and Reflective Practices

If you see a pattern within yourself that you don’t really like, learn to get out of the do-loop. Do you miss out on life experiences because your shyness stops you from doing what you desire? Start to write about it.

What would happen if you went on that camping trip with your buddies who are expert campers? Give yourself a prompt. “I want to go camping with my friends, but I don’t know anything about camping.”

Then free write.

Go through the emotions, go through the fears. Then ask yourself, what is the reality? Chances are pretty good that your friends would be thrilled to have you join them.

Guided Meditations and Visualization Exercises

Through your mediation practices, learn to visualize yourself on the other side. Visualize yourself changing or interrupting your patterns. Learn to get out of your comfort zone.

Common Challenges and Misconceptions

Shadow work requires courage and isn’t instantaneous. We need to remember that we are all works in progress. 

One common challenge is that we may plateau for a bit. Give yourself the time to rebalance and learn the new you. When you are ready, you may choose to continue.

Facing Inner Demons: Overcoming Fear

When it comes to shadow work, there are some common phrases, such as ‘overcoming your demons’, and the like. Personally, I don’t like using the term demons in this manner.

There are better word choices, such as challenges, obstacles, and hurdles.

The definition of a demon is an evil spirit, an evil spirit, or a devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell. 

Closing Thoughts: The Significance of Shadow Work

Shadow work is a foundational element that helps us achieve inner joy and learn how to thrive by looking below the surface. Many times, we seem to face the same blockages in life. We get to a certain point, then we plateau.

A good spiritual practitioner can help you overcome those blockages and move forward on your spiritual path.

Look at shadow work as building your spiritual armor so that you can move forward with confidence and grace and know that you got this.