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What Is Past Life Regression & How Does It Work?

Understanding what is entailed in a past life regression will help you have a deeper experience. Past life regression therapy can help us dive into who we are as souls, what we need to learn, and what our soul’s purpose or mission is. 

Exploring the Concept of Past Life Regression

Past-life hypnotherapy has gained significant attention in recent years. People are realizing that our souls are eternal, and they want to know more.

Who am I? Where did I come from? What am I here to learn? Where did I live before? These are some of the more common themes people are curious about when it comes to past-life regressions.

What Is Past Life Regression & How Does It Work?

What Is Past Life Regression?

A past life regression usually involves working with a trained practitioner who can connect us to past-life memories and experiences.

It can also be considered an alternative therapy for solving hard-to-break patterns and even healing aspects.

How Past Life Regression Works

There are a few ways a past life regression works. Sometimes, we can have a spontaneous past life. This can often be triggered by meeting a specific person or going to a place, and the real-life memories come flooding back. 

Sometimes, a past life regression may bring you back to an issue you had previously in your current life. Sometimes, a past life regression will take you to another planet.

Our souls are eternal and we have lived many lives.

It is more commonly recommended that you work with a certified practitioner. This person can put you into a theta state, which happens when the brainwave frequencies are between 3.5 and 6.75 Hz. When this happens, you are in a deep state of relaxation that is tied to your intuitive insights and your subconscious self.

The subconscious plays a significant role in past life regressions because our subconscious self is the record keeper of our soul.

Techniques Used in Past Life Regression Sessions

One of the more common techniques is hypnosis, which brings you into a state of relaxation. Once this happens, the practitioner starts with a series of guided visualizations to clear the communication channels and open a dialogue while in the theta state.

The regression usually brings up the past life, or lives, that most impact the current life. This gives you the opportunity to understand patterns and belief structures and connect to your higher self and subconscious self.

It is also possible to have healings performed during this time. I have had the pleasure of experiencing medical miracles with some of my clients. 

The Role of Hypnosis in Unlocking Past Life Memories

Hypnosis is crucial in unlocking past-life memories. If you are a control freak like me, don’t worry. During a past-life regression, your practitioner can’t make you quack like a duck or anything else.

The role of hypnosis is to create a state of relaxation to unlock your memories. 


What Are the Benefits of Past Life Regression?

There are many benefits to a past life regression, one of which is self-discovery and personal growth. If you feel stuck and repeating patterns in your life, a past life regression may help you understand why and what happened.

With this hidden knowledge now uncovered, you can be more aware of those patterns. 

Emotional Healing and Spiritual Growth Through Regression

The ability to heal emotional hurts and traumas will literally create a spiritual growth spurt for you.

This will also lead to resolving negative karmic patterns and spiritual awakenings.

Understanding Past Life Patterns and Their Influence

Most of us reincarnate to this planet wearing a spiritual blindfold. Many times, our current life patterns are actually past life patterns.

For example, if you feel that finances are a constant issue, was there a blockage brought into your current life from a past life?

Chances are, that’s a pretty good possibility.

Debunking Common Myths About Past Life Regression

There are many false myths and skepticism revolving around past life regressions. Before you look into any such service, do your homework on that practitioner. Learn what the process is about and ask questions if you have them. 

Some skeptics may say that you were ‘led’ to believe certain things, that this was your imagination, and that we only live for one lifetime. It’s up to you to discern what rings true for you and why.

No one can do that for you.

Is Past Life Regression Right for You?

If you find yourself with blockages in your life, patterns you wish to understand and break, or even a curiosity about who you were in the past, a past life regression may help. 

Who Should Consider Past Life Regression Therapy?

As mentioned before, past-life regression can be very helpful for those seeking spiritual assistance or help with aspects of their lives.

What to Expect During Your First Session

There is a lot that happens, and expectations help to set the tone. I will send out a questionnaire and a bit of homework to help set the tone, and we will first go over that information. This session is about what you need. 

Sessions will last 3-5 hours total. I’m not particularly eager to hurry with any session, but I generally break this down into four parts. One is the ‘interview’ at the beginning, where we go over what you are seeking. We will do the regression, and towards the end of the regression, I like to ask about any spiritual healing that may be performed. We will review the information, and I will send you the recording.

This is because often, a client will ‘feel’ wide awake at the time, but as the session goes on, you go into a deeper theta state, and the recording is beneficial.