Knowing what to expect after a soul retrieval can help you decide if this process will be helpful for you.
Understanding the Process of Soul Retrieval
Understanding the soul retrieval process means understanding what the soul is. The soul is the energy that animates our physical bodies. This energy is eternal and uniquely us. Our soul carries an eternity of memories, experiences, and history.
With soul retrieval, we are reintegrating those parts that we had shed. Soul loss happens when we go through traumas. When we are dealing with traumas, a part of our soul sheds or breaks off; this is often a protective measure to help preserve the overall integrity of the soul during times of high stress and trauma.
These soul fragments then must go somewhere. Where do they go? They are often found in the lower astral realms or even parallel universes.
Your soul wants to be whole and intact, knowing that means there is a natural magnetic pull to help with the retrieval.
We can work on soul retrieval and healing in many ways. It can be as simple as meditation and prayer, learning how to connect to GodSource and higher self. Sometimes, seeking outside help from a qualified spiritual practitioner may be beneficial.
Past life regressions can also be helpful when it comes to soul retrievals.
What Is Soul Retrieval and Why Is It Performed?

Soul retrieval is about healing the soul. We speak of our health all the time: our physical, mental, emotional, and even financial health. But what about our soul health?
This is the most critical aspect of our health, and we often overlook it. When we have a healthy soul, all those other aspects of our lives fall into place.
The concept of soul retrieval spans millennia and cultures. When I cross over the dead, it’s not uncommon for me to see countless soul pieces or fragments. They often appear to me as a massive fog bank in the ethers.
The goal is to collect them and hand them off to the higher realms. It’s possible that these soul elements can be returned to the original soul, whether that person is alive or not.
Immediate Aftereffects of a Soul Retrieval Session
The immediate aftereffects of soul retrieval vary from person to person. Some people will immediately feel a massive shift, while others may experience slower shifts.
After a soul retrieval session, give yourself enough downtime to allow the healing to integrate fully.
Emotional and Physical Shifts Post-Soul Retrieval
Emotional and physical shifts can vary widely. As the lost or fractured soul parts are returned, we need the time to rebalance who we are. The reintegration process can take up to a couple of weeks.
During this time, you may feel old emotions and traumas coming up to the surface to be fully released.
You might also be extra sensitive to the energies and comments around you. Knowing this is possible, plan some workarounds to keep yourself in a good space. For example, if you have a critical friend or family member, try to avoid them as best as possible.
Give yourself the gift of time and be kind to yourself in those moments. Do not fear this; it is a part of the healing process.

Integration: The Importance of Processing Soul Fragments
Your soul is who you are. After a soul retrieval, your body and energetic systems process these soul fragments as they become reintegrated.
It’s important to know that your higher self and subconscious self are working on reconfiguring your energy flows, your auric field, and much more as your soul becomes whole again.
What to Expect After a Soul Retrieval (3 Changes to Look Out For)
After a soul retrieval, and for the next 24 hours, drink plenty of healthy water, such as Spring water. Adding lemon and a few grains of salt to the water will help detox.
As we clear and heal, those parts of us being released need help being lifted off and out of us.
#1) Enhanced Emotional Clarity and Self-Awareness
After a soul retrieval, your brain waves and functions will improve, and one of those byproducts is enhanced psychic abilities. This helps us feel more connected to GodSource energies; that sense of loneliness and longing may fade.
Guilt, depression, and other emotional abuses will no longer have a stranglehold on you. You may find yourself feeling detached and less triggered by those past hurts.
This sense of liberation is freeing and lends itself to much more clarity and higher levels of self-awareness.
#2) Renewed Energy and Spiritual Alignment
After a soul retrieval, disassociated feelings may be replaced with joy, love, and gratitude as you step into your new, whole self.
Any holes or openings within your auric field begin to shore up, and you will find a renewed sense of energy and a deeper connection to your higher self.
#3) Release of Old Trauma and Healing of Past Wounds
The release of old traumas and past wounds often spans lifetimes. Your conscious self is probably unaware of those past life wounds. These past life wounds usually show up in our current life- those blockages, anxieties, and fears that keep popping up that don’t make sense to us.
After a soul retrieval, you may find that negative patterns and blockages repair themselves as if by magic.
How to Support Your Healing After Soul Retrieval
Allow yourself the time to heal and reflect. Journaling about your experiences and emotions is also beneficial.
Practices for Integrating Soul Parts and Maintaining Balance
When we are whole, there is less tension, and our karma is more balanced.
Isn’t your soul health worth it? Your healing journey doesn’t end with understanding—it’s just the beginning. Reintegrating lost soul fragments brings clarity, renewed energy, and deep emotional release. To further support your soul’s alignment, consider a guided past life regression.
This process can uncover hidden wounds, release blockages, and restore balance across lifetimes.