Past life regression therapy offers a unique opportunity to explore the hidden depths of our soul’s journey. While this practice can uncover profound insights and promote healing, it’s important to understand the potential side effects of past life regression.
In this blog, we’ll explore the emotional, psychological, and physical effects that may arise during and after sessions, providing clarity for those curious about this transformative process.
Understanding Past Life Regression and Its Impact
Past-life regression therapy (PLR) can substantially impact our journey, smoothing out the path forward. It is based on the premise that we have all lived before. We reincarnate to have the experiences and lessons our soul needs on our spiritual path.
Do you find yourself repeatedly repeating the same negative patterns? Why is this? How do you change these habits? A PLR could help open the door to healing and understanding.
Overview of Past Life Regression Therapy

There are several steps or phases to a past-life regression. Each step is critical and should always be noticed. The first step is a conversation with the practitioner, which includes a history of you and your goals for the session.
Then, there is the actual regression process, where the client goes into the theta state of deep relaxation; the conscious mind steps aside and allows the subconscious to access the most pertinent information to help you.
After the regression, you must spend time with your practitioner reviewing the information to better process and incorporate the new knowledge. These sessions are always recorded for your benefit. The memories can often fade, but the recording will be a reminder. The recording also puts the conscious mind at ease, knowing there is less likelihood of being manipulated. This is important for those of us who have a problem ‘letting go.’
It’s also important to remember that you are always in control during a past life regression.
Why Side Effects of Past Life Regression May Occur
A past-life regression can have many side effects. This is because of the deep level of soul healing and soul understanding based on one’s PLR experiences.
Emotional Side Effects of Past Life Regression
Every PLR aims to attain knowledge that heals. The newfound knowledge may be a result of a past life trauma. A good practitioner will help you to detach those emotions around an event that does not serve your highest good.
The client will often be able to observe the events as if they are watching a movie before them. Emotional side effects of past life regression often include a release of deeply rooted feelings, providing clarity and healing.
#1) Emotional Overwhelm: Intense Feelings That Surface Post-Session
A PLR can bring up old emotions that need to be processed. Usually, this processing time is escalated or hastened.
#2) Anxiety or Distress from Revisiting Past Trauma
During a PLR, you may find the origination of specific phobias you have. This reveal, while distressing, will also alleviate the phobia. The same holds true for anxieties or other stressors.
Once the information is out in the open, it’s like the boogeyman in the closet has been exposed and holds no power over us.
#3) Unexpected Joy or Relief from Resolving Emotional Burdens
I often find clients ‘wake up’ feeling joyful and full of joy. They have a new sense of who they are and their purpose, and they find satisfaction in learning about another aspect of their soul’s history.
- RELATED: What Is A Past-Life Soulmate?
Psychological Side Effects of Past Life Regression
The psychological side effects of past life regression may vary but often lead to profound self-awareness and growth. Phobias may disappear. Physical ailments can also vanish. You get to see your life through a new lens with compassion and understanding behind it.
You may also find you can forgive yourself or others for specific hurts.
#1) Cognitive Dissonance: Struggling to Reconcile Regression Memories
Sometimes, a PLR will place a person in another location, another planet, or even a lifetime between lives. This can be a little rattling, but we must remember that our mortal lives are just a snapshot of our entire soul history. Our souls are eternal.
#2) Heightened Introspection Leading to Over Analysis of Current Life Choices
We need to remember that karma has no timeline. Overanalyzing past choices in our current or past lives serves no purpose.
What is helpful is to understand the importance of the lessons learned and how to improve our wisdom and insights as we move forward with intention.
#3) Disorientation or Confusion About Personal Identity
Sometimes, as a client ‘wakes up’ they may be a bit groggy for a short time, not much unlike waking up from a deep sleep and being disoriented. When this happens, it’s essential to help ground the client.
Conversation, walking, eating, or even smelling an essential oil helps to ground the person. This doesn’t happen often, but these are good strategies.
Physical Side Effects of Past Life Regression
Those who have unexplained physical ailments with no known root cause or inexplicable phobias can find healing with a PLR. While under the regression, the subconscious self can show the root cause or actions that have caused the ailment or phobia. The subconscious and higher self can work together to ‘untangle’ those ailments.
I have had several clients with a variety of ailments that disappeared days after the regression. One mom had a son who had seizures so intense and frequent that he was losing the ability to walk and talk. During the mom’s regression, it was deemed that her son no longer needed the experience of those seizures.
The information the family gained from his seizures on a spiritual level was learned. The mom was also told by her higher self and other light beings that the seizures were not meant as a punishment but rather a learning opportunity.
#1) Temporary Fatigue After Intense Sessions
Sometimes, a regression can be intense, such as learning you were murdered or died a violent death. You may come out of the regression feeling fatigued as you process the information.
#2) Headaches or Tension from Mental Effort During Regression
As you go through an emotional experience through a regression, you can learn a piece of your soul history through a lens, meaning there is a separation between the experience and your conscious self. Any tension or headaches experienced are short-lived and relatively uncommon.
#3) Restlessness or Physical Discomfort Due to Emotional Energy Release
Regressions can often be a source of emotional releases. The healing process that can take place during a PLR can shift a lot of energy.
It’s important to remember that frequencies are being rebalanced and restored, and any discomfort is mild and short-lived.

Potential Risks and Long-Term Concerns of Past Life Regression
A PLR is a snapshot back in time to those moments that are most impacting your current life. It’s important to take that knowledge and learn from it.
There is no reason to obsess with the information.
Preparing for and Managing Side Effects of Past Life Regression Therapy
When you decide to have a past-life regression, it’s essential to ask yourself your intention. What do you want to know, heal, and understand about yourself and your life? Past life regression is a profound journey that reveals the soul’s deeper lessons, fostering healing and transformation. Understanding the side effects of past life regression is essential for navigating its emotional, psychological, and physical impacts with clarity and purpose.
For those ready to explore the spiritual forces shaping their lives, I recommend my book, Spiritual War: Understanding the Unseen World and How it Affects Us, which offers vital insights into managing these unseen influences. Additionally, my course, Your Soul’s Health, provides practical strategies to understand and strengthen your soul’s well-being.
If you’re ready to take the next step, learn more about my past life regression services here. These tools are designed to support you on your spiritual journey.