A Kundalini awakening occurs within our subtle body energies. But what is a kundalini awakening? It is an experience tied to our subtle body energies and inner wisdom. This energy is the feminine creative life force that, when unblocked, releases inner wisdom inside us.
In Sanskrit, Kundalini means life energy. It also incorporates the concept of soul energy. There are many signs and symptoms of Kundalini awakening, and they are tailored to our personal experiences and needs.
What Is a Kundalini Awakening? A Journey of Energy and Transformation
As we embark upon our spiritual paths, Kundalini awakening is about self-realization, harmony, and bliss. It’s about how the flow of energy works within our subtle, energetic bodies. This energy is said to be circular and lies dormant at the base of the spinal column.
When awakened or activated, this ‘serpentine power’ rises through the other six main chakras. We are all energetic beings, and transformation is all about spiritual growth.
How Kundalini Energy Awakens Spiritual Growth

The story of Kundalini is a Hindu tale that has been passed down for over four millennia. It is about God’s powers within us and the merging of masculine and feminine energies. There is a single consciousness that unifies everything (similar to Yin and Yang.)
Within this consciousness are two etheric beings, Shiva and Shakti. Shiva represents time, and Shakti represents space. Along the way, they got separated. Shakti, the feminine energy, resides coiled up at the base of the spine, our root chakra, and is seen as a dormant power until awakened.
As she awakens and rises to the seventh chakra, she is met with Shiva, the infinite supreme consciousness, and there is pure bliss and harmony.
Kundalini energies tap all the main chakras with the assistance of the Nadis. What are nadis? These smaller streams of energy wind through the body, carrying energy to and from the chakras.
As Kundalini awakens, nadis send life force energies through the Kundalini channel. In some areas of Chinese medicine, people consider the nadis to be meridian channels.
Common Triggers for Kundalini Activation
There are many triggers for Kundalini activations, which can be intentional or spontaneous. Breathwork, meditation, and specific yoga positions are ways to prepare for potential Kundalini activation intentionally.
Setting intentions, awareness, and mindfulness practices are also beneficial. Working through traumas and emotional blocks can also result in Kundalini awakenings. As we learn to heal, we allow energies to flow without blockages.
Recognizing the Signs of a Kundalini Awakening
Kundalini activations are one of many steps towards spiritual enlightenment. It’s important to understand that spiritual development has many facets, and this is just one.
As with everything in life, there are many themes and variations regarding signs of Kundalini awakenings. Most typically, you feel rushes of energy going through your body; they can be warm, tingling sensations, trembling, or even full-body movements that you are not controlling, such as spontaneous yoga movements.
You may experience a range of intense emotions, from fear to bliss or other types of mood swings. It’s also common to experience an intense desire to create a healthier body, as you no longer need those lower-frequency vices such as sugars, carbs, or mind-altering substances.
#1: The Awakening of Energy Centers Along the Chakras
Learning to clean, clear, balance, and restore our chakras helps the energies flow along the Kundalini pathway. The Kundalini energy utilizes our chakra systems, and it is essential to keep our chakras balanced as best as possible.
It’s important to note that our chakras open and close as needed. They are a form of protection. Never allow someone to open your chakras for you. They can become easily damaged and cause all sorts of problems.
#2: Emotional Purging and Releasing of Past Trauma
Healing past traumas, even past life traumas, purges us of emotional blockages that hinder our spiritual growth. When we work on healing our traumas, it doesn’t mean we forget what happened to us.
It means we learn to look at those past actions from a detached emotional space. We learn lessons from those events, even if the lesson is ‘what not to do’.
#3: Enhanced Intuition and Psychic Abilities
Kundalini activation brings many spiritual symptoms, such as enhanced intuition, a more profound sense of knowing, and increased sensitivities. It also helps us understand the universe’s universal interconnectedness.
Our spiritual experiences become deeper, and we may find that our psychic abilities change and grow. Meditation practices also become deeper, and with this newfound knowledge, you may start to reevaluate your life, life purposes, and even life missions.
How the Rising of Kundalini Affects Everyday Life
In the beginning, you may find it hard to concentrate on the normal, 3D aspects of life. Your conversations with friends and family may seem dull and boring.
It’s important to realize that those around you may have a hard time understanding what you are going through, leaving you feeling alone and isolated.
Managing Kundalini Activation Symptoms Effectively
It’s ok to seek guidance and help through this process. Working with a knowledgeable spiritual practitioner or community can offer insights, wisdom, and support.
Strategies for Balancing Spiritual and Physical Energy
Learning to balance this new you in the spiritual realms and the physical realms is important. Our connections to others are important; maintaining a healthy lifestyle, being physically active, and surrounding ourselves in nature are important aspects to be mindful of.
How to Cultivate a Consistent Kundalini Awakening Practice

Disciplined practices, such as Kundalini yoga, can be used to intentionally cultivate a Kundalini awakening. This particular form of yoga incorporates postures (asanas), breathwork, meditation, and chanting.
A harmonious lifestyle supports peace, balance, proper diet, and exercise. Learning to adequately address emotional blockages through journaling, self-reflection, or therapy is hard work, but it will pay off.
Working towards Kundalini awakening is a process, and it won’t happen overnight. It will happen when your higher self deems you ready. During this process, it’s essential to realize that spirituality is never a contest and is not one size fits all.
Developing Daily Rituals to Sustain Spiritual Growth
Developing daily rituals to sustain spiritual growth is important for soul health, whether you are interested in Kundalini awakening or not.
Discovering Purpose Through Kundalini Awakening and Higher Consciousness
Discovering your soul’s purpose is not about finding meaning in life but more about becoming your best self in all aspects of life. There are many pathways to discovery, and there is no right or wrong way. It’s about what is right for you, what is suitable for your soul.
Kundalini awakenings occur when your soul energy is ready for it. Kundalini awakenings cannot be forced. One of my all-time favorite books is The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy by Cyndi Dale. This book contains solid research on Kundalini and many other forms of subtle energies that impact all of us.
If you’re ready to deepen your spiritual journey, we offer a range of services and courses tailored to your needs. Our services include spiritual consultations, entity implant removal, house clearings, and past life regression to help clear blocks and restore balance. Expand your understanding further with courses like Your Soul’s Health and the comprehensive Spiritual Self-Defense series.
Take the next step toward healing and growth today.