Why is it important to realign your chakras? Think of it this way: What happens when you drive your car and hit a deep pothole? Your tires become out of alignment, making it harder to steer. Your tires also wear down quickly and become unbalanced.
Our chakras are similar. Keeping our chakras aligned and healthy is important to our spiritual wellness. Understanding how to realign your chakras ensures your energy flows freely, promoting spiritual, emotional, and physical harmony.
Understanding the Importance of Chakra Alignment
No matter how healthy our lifestyle is, if our chakras are out of balance, our body and entire energetic systems will also be out of alignment. Chakra balancing is a form of energetic healing.
Our chakras are spinning wheels of energy responsible for our life force energy, also known as prana or chi. Each chakra spins or vibrates to a unique frequency and is associated with specific colors, elements, and sounds.
You can find charts on chakras in many places to get a basic education.
Here is one: Chakra Chart

Signs That Your Chakras May Be Out of Balance
When our chakras are balanced and in harmony, energy flows freely, and there are no, or at least minimal, blockages.
If our chakras are out of alignment, this can lead to illnesses, ailments, physical discomfort, and even emotional difficulties. We may feel blocked, unable to think clearly, and even disconnected from our higher self.
If you’re unsure how to realign your chakras, these signs can help you identify areas that need attention.
Why Realignment Matters for Energy Flow and Well-Being
Chakra realignment matters because the chakras are essential for spiritual health and well-being. These vital energy centers govern the energetic systems of the entire subtle body.
How to Realign Your Chakras: 8 Practical Methods
Realigning our chakras involves spiritual cleaning and clearing and looking or sensing the energetic blades to ensure they are not bent or damaged.
It’s important to note that our chakras are not just on the front side of our bodies. One or two of them may be out of alignment, or all may be.
#1) Burn Pure Resins to Ground and Clear Energy
Certain resins are high-frequency, and those frequencies clean and clear our chakras. However, I don’t recommend burning incense sticks. The binding agents are chemicals, and burning them decreases their frequency. In addition, you may inhale potentially toxic substances.
To burn resins, you can use a charcoal round. This short video explains how to burn resins.
#2) Apply Essential Oils to Balance Emotions
Essential oils are a great way to help balance and realign your chakras. But make sure you only purchase 100% pure essential oils, which are not cut with synthetic fragrances or other chemicals. Pure blends are fine as long as they are 100% pure.
It’s worth learning which oils are most beneficial for which chakras.
#3) Use Crystals and Gemstones for Chakra Healing
When using crystals and gemstones for chakra healing, ensure you begin with clear stones, meaning they are not embedded with negative energies or low frequencies.
You can clear most stones using pure sunlight, salt, or moonlight for stones that will fade.
#4) Himalayan Salt Lamps to Cleanse Spaces
When heated, Himalayan salt releases negative ions, which are actually positive. Negative ions clear negative energies. Ocean waters, waterfalls, and pine trees also release negative ions. Himalayan salt has 84 minerals and trace elements, all of which are beneficial.
#5) Practice Breathwork for Energy Alignment
Breathwork can help with chakra alignment by stimulating energy flows and removing blockages.
There are many types of breathwork practices, and it would be worth checking out to see which ones suit you best.
#6) Recite Mantras to Activate Energy Centers
Mantras and phrases are tones that carry frequencies. One of the more popular mantras is the sound of Om.
Certain sounds are healing, and their vibrations echo throughout the chakras.
#7) Enjoy Herbal Teas to Support Chakra Health
If you are like me, coffee time is a time to wake up and get moving. Coffee tends to be a pick-me-up that helps me keep moving forward. Herbal teas give us time to relax and unwind.
That is a huge difference, especially when it comes time for healing.
#8) Utilize Color Therapy for Chakra Strengthening
Colors carry frequencies, so when using color therapy, make sure the colors are for those specific chakras you want to work on.
For example, the root chakra color is red, so for that chakra, you would use the color red, and if you are using gemstones, you would use something like carnelian.
Integrating Chakra Realignment into Daily Life
Take a few moments to meditate and feel which chakra may be out of alignment. Learn how to feel if you might be out of alignment.
If you are having a bad day, give yourself the gift of time to work through the healing and realignment processes.
Developing a Sustainable Chakra Routine
Don’t make creating a chakra routine complicated. You can also take yoga classes, do breathwork, diffuse essential oils, or do what feels right for you.
There is no wrong answer, only healing.

Recognizing the Long-Term Benefits of Chakra Balance
The long-term benefits of cleaning, clearing, balancing, and restoring chakras mean we handle life’s curveballs more easily and gracefully; we tend to get sick less and don’t let our emotions rule our actions.
When our chakras are balanced, we create a healthier soul. Knowing how to realign your chakras equips you with tools to sustain emotional resilience and overall vitality over time.
If you’re ready to explore how to realign your chakras and restore balance, consider my spiritual consultation services for personalized energy assessments and healing guidance. For a deeper dive into spiritual wellness, the Your Soul’s Health course offers tools to nurture your energetic health.
Have questions? Reach out via my contact page to learn more today.