Going through a spiritual awakening can be incredibly lonely and distressing. It’s also complex and messy, and it’s entirely possible to have more than one spiritual awakening in this lifetime. Recognizing the 10 physical symptoms of spiritual awakening can help you understand what’s happening to your body during this transformative process.
While this isn’t a complete list, we will explore more common symptoms.
What Is a Spiritual Awakening?
There is a mass spiritual awakening on our planet right now. This awakening is happening so that humanity can regain their free will and soul sovereignty. This is about winning the spiritual war, and the light side is here to help us, including helping us through spiritual awakenings.
We are living in a time of mass transformation and rising consciousness.
Understanding the Connection Between Body and Spirit
While we live a mortal life on this planet, our soul is housed within the physical body to allow us to have the physical experiences our soul needs. The soul is the energy that animates our physical body.
This is the connection when people mention mind, body, and spirit.
Why Spiritual Awakenings Trigger Physical Symptoms
One of the main reasons spiritual awakenings trigger physical symptoms is that our physical bodies are being upgraded, cleaned, and cleared of what no longer serves us.
10 Physical Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening
Being aware of the 10 physical symptoms of spiritual awakening can help you better navigate the discomforts that arise during your spiritual journey. There are definitely more than ten symptoms of spiritual awakening, but the list below is the most common.
Many of the symptoms happen because the energies and frequencies of your physical body are changing.
#1) Heightened Sensitivity to Light and Sound
Lights and sounds bombard our auric field. What was once normal for you, such as attending a concert, a football game, or even going out shopping, becomes stressful and exhausting. When you go home after such events, you are completely wiped out.
One trick to help with this is to learn how to retract your auric field and bring it close to you so you are not as bombarded by all those extraneous energies.
#2) Unexplained Fatigue or Lack of Energy
As you go through a spiritual awakening, your physical body makes many shifts, such as clearing out old stuck energies within your organ systems, expanding and realigning your chakra systems, and much more.
And, frankly, that is exhausting.
#3) Physical Aches with No Medical Explanation

Those physical anomalies that no doctor can explain usually involve frequency shifts and cleanings. It’s usually not much different than when children physically grow quickly.
They tend to experience ‘growing pains.’ Find ways to alleviate those physical aches through exercise or any other method that works for you.
#4) Sudden Changes in Sleep Patterns
Ahhh, sleep. It can be so elusive at times. You may find that your spiritual mind is also growing, affecting your sleep patterns. If you require a power nap during the day, take it.
Your dreams may also change. It is often because your soul works with your spiritual teams in the astral planes.
#5) Digestive Issues or Changes in Appetite
Food is frequency, which is why so many of us will have diet changes; what used to work for us no longer does. Our digestive system also becomes more sensitive. As you ascend in your spiritual growth, your foods must also mirror that growth.
One way to boost the frequency of your foods is to place your hands under your plate; under the table is fine, and send healing, clearing energies through your food.
#6) Tingling Sensations or Energy Pulsations
Those tingling and energy pulsations have several meanings. One is to clean and clear your body. Another is that your spiritual team is working with you. You may get
#7) Frequent Headaches or Pressure Around the Crown
Headaches around the crown and third eye chakras are common. The reason is that these two chakras are expanding. I tend to call this a ‘third eye’ headache.
#8) Sudden Weight Fluctuations
Weight fluctuations are pretty common. Many times, weight gain is a form of spiritual protection—your subconscious needs to determine what is happening or how to deal with these changes.
#9) Increased Awareness of Breathing or Heartbeat
This is where taking a good yoga class can be super helpful. Focusing on breathing and heart rates helps us to relearn how to connect with our soul tribe.
It calms, centers, and clears us for those important messages.
#10) Flu-like Symptoms Without Illness
You feel like you have the flu, yet you were around no one for a week. What is that about? Well, first of all, spiritual awakenings are not contagious like that.
Your body is simply purging those old energies that no longer serve you.
Managing and Embracing the Physical Effects of Spiritual Growth
Remember, these are simply experiences you are having. Yes, they may be a big deal and unpredictable, but learning to go with the flow, mediating, and understanding the hows and the whys of your spiritual awakening leads to the flow of your spiritual growth.

Final Reflections on the Journey of Spiritual Awakening
Going through a spiritual awakening is not for the faint of heart. It takes courage and can be incredibly lonely.
Spiritual awakenings, while transformative, can be a challenging experience for those navigating the profound shifts in both mind and body. Recognizing the 10 physical symptoms of spiritual awakening can help you understand these changes, offering clarity as your body adjusts to new energetic frequencies.
These shifts may feel overwhelming at times, but they are also a sign of growth and alignment with your true self. As you continue on this journey, it’s important to understand how these symptoms fit into your greater spiritual evolution.
For further guidance and deeper understanding, you may want to explore my book, Sovereignty (Soul Tribe: Navigating the Spiritual War), which delves into the broader context of spiritual awakenings and how to protect your energy during these times.
My course Spiritual Self Defense (Part 1) also offers practical tools to help you manage spiritual shifts and keep your energy grounded.