You wake up from a dream in a cold sweat and know something happened, but it hasn’t happened yet. Could it have been a premonition? To fully understand what is a premonition, it’s essential to explore its characteristics and origins.
Premonitions usually warn of a future event. They are not third-dimensional, physical happenings but rather etheric happenings. They defy logic, and the proof lies in the aftermath.
Understanding Premonitions: A Glimpse into the Unknown
Premonitions often involve an intuitive sense of knowing some element of a potential future. They are usually pieces of a puzzle, but we can’t see the puzzle as a whole.
They most often occur in people who are considered to be precognitive empaths. These people can tune into some aspects of potential futures.
What is a Premonition?
Premonitions occur when we knowingly or unknowingly tap into our intuition. They can also involve our subconscious self, higher self, and other dimensional beings, such as our spiritual guides.
Common Types of Premonitions and How They Manifest
Premonitions can manifest in many different fashions. There is no written prescription for them. It may seem like there is no rhyme or reason for why they happen, but if you are prone to premonitions, you become more observant.
Some of the more common types of premonitions include:
- Dreams may be one of the more common ways we receive premonitions, and these dreams usually happen repeatedly, each night getting another piece of the puzzle.
- Visions of future events. These mental images are usually quite vivid. Before 9/11 happened, there were stories from people all over the world that saw this event coming. How did they know? Was this future event an anchor point in the time-space continuum?
- Emotional triggers occur when you see something happen and are emotionally triggered, but there is no logical reason.
- You have an inner knowing of something about to happen, yet you cannot explain it.
- Physical sensations can also be common, especially the feeling of nausea before someone dies.

Are Premonitions Real? Evidence and Perspectives
How do we know if a premonition is real or just our imagination? Premonitions can be highly vivid and recurring. They can come as thoughts, in our sleep state, and visions. They can also be experienced by physical symptoms, such as feeling burned, but there are no marks or evidence of injury.
Numerous scientific experiments have been conducted on premonitions and their occurrences, but no one can scientifically explain them; they are metaphysical—beyond physics.
Scientific Explanations for Premonitions: Coincidence or Something More?
Sometimes, when people are exceptionally close to one another, their aka cords, those etheric ties that join us together, offer us a more profound connection regarding premonitions.
We can feel that something is about to happen to a loved one. One of the premonition stories I share on podcasts is the time when one of my daughters was going to get into a car accident. This premonition allowed me the time to make some adjustments. The car accident still happened, but the outcome changed for the better, as she was ok, and her car was nearly totaled.
The Role of Intuition in Premonitory Experiences
Our intuition is our most powerful and crucial psychic ability. It is the precursor to all of our other psychic senses. When we learn to develop our intuition, we grow spiritually and can better discern what is for our greater good or not.
Those ‘spidey senses’ also grow. As your intuition develops, you begin to innately tap into other sources of information, which are gleaned from the higher realms.
What Causes Premonitions? Theories and Interpretations
There are many theories out there as to what causes premonitions. Are the events we receive as a premonition a future event or a potential future event? What is the difference? Sometimes, people will get premonitions about an event, and when they understand how they can change a future action to change the outcome, that premonition will not come to fruition.
For example, I kept getting a premonition about one of my daughters being in a near-fatal car accident. She left later than she should have, and there was no accident. Did this shift a potential negative outcome?
When it comes to the 9/11 event, so many people reported having dreams or seeing this disaster, but the outcome was horrific.
Was this future event an anchor in stone and unchangeable?
Exploring the Connection Between Premonitions and the Subconscious Mind
Is it possible that our subconscious mind works with our conscious mind—our feelings, thoughts, and more? Yes. It is also true that our higher self works with our subconscious mind, as we are all multidimensional beings.
Our brains constantly process information; most dreams are about processing information we receive throughout the day.
Spiritual and Metaphysical Views on What Causes Premonitions
Resonance may play a large part in premonitions. I remember speaking with a client who was just out of high school. She had an odd dream that didn’t feel like a dream. She was floating around a high school and feeling terrified. She was watching a gunman walk the halls. She saw him shooting a student and two teachers. She also thought that the gunman saw her- they locked eyes, and that is when she woke up.
Are Dreams Premonitions? Understanding the Overlap
Our dreams can be normal. We can astral travel in our sleep state to learn from other realm beings, and sometimes, we are given information about future events in our dreams. The question becomes how to identify what is, and that can be difficult.
If you wake up feeling uneasy with anxiety and can’t explain why, try journaling your dreams in order to find patterns. This gives you back your power.

The Spiritual Perspective: What Does the Bible Say About Premonitions?
The Bible warns against divination to obtain answers about possible future events. There are several theories about this. One is that the religious clergy were trying to control humanity. The other is that they were warning against the dangers of divination. Or is it a combination of both?
Exploring spiritual perspectives often uncovers unique interpretations of what is a premonition within religious contexts.
Recognizing and Responding to Premonitions in Everyday Life
While premonitions may seem like a cool psychic ability, they are exhausting and often leaves the person filled with guilt if the outcome is negative. The “I wish I would have…” This guilt must be released as it doesn’t serve your greater good.If you feel prone to premonitions, start journaling them (and enter the dates they occurred) and start to look for patterns.
In my book Battle with the Darkside: My Journey from Teacher to Exorcist, there is a story on a series of premonitions that can offer more help and understanding.