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10 Common Types of Psychic Abilities and What They Mean

This article will explore and define the ten most common types of psychic abilities that people may experience or witness. 

Exploring Psychic Potential: Understanding Types of Psychic Abilities

There are many types of psychic abilities, and the truth is that we all have blends of many abilities. No two people will have the same psychic skills to the same degree. This makes quantifying psychic abilities a bit more complicated.

10 Common Types of Psychic Abilities and What They Mean

Types of Psychic Abilities - Clairvoyance

These are the most common types of psychic abilities and what they may look like.

#1) Clairvoyance: Seeing Beyond the Physical Realm

Clairvoyance means clear seeing. Meaning we can see through dimensions. We can see beyond earthly time, space, and dimension.

This is where our third eye kicks in to receive information. We can learn to develop this skill set through practice and meditation.

#2) Clairaudience: Hearing the Unheard

We may hear messages from our Soul Tribe, spirit guides, angelic realms, and even dark beings. These messages can be heard or felt.

A sense of telepathy can also occur with clairaudience. Always vet what you hear, and don’t take it as gospel truth.

#3) Clairsentience: Sensing Emotions and Energies

Clairsentience can be exhausting! When we sense the emotions and heavy energies around us, we need to learn how to clear those energies and negative entities.

It keeps us healthy and safe. Learning spiritual self-defense tools can be critical.

#4) Claircognizance: Knowing Without Explanation

This one heavily relies upon our intuitive abilities. This psychic ability allows us to gain knowledge and information from outside our third-dimensional earthly realm.

We often tap into other unseen sources for this information.

#5) Mediumship: Communicating with the Spirit World

A medium is a person who can tap into multiple psychic abilities to gain information needed. This can range from psychic seeing, hearing, knowing, smelling and even tasting. Psychic mediums need to understand their roles when it comes to helping others.

For example, is the person the medium working with capable of receiving such information? Or will that information be harmful?

#6) Telepathy: Mind-to-Mind Communication

Have you ever been thinking of someone, and then they called you? How does this happen? It’s a form of telepathy. Our spirit guides and beings from the higher realms can communicate with us telepathically.

Many times, we can have telepathic communications in our sleep state. 

#7) Psychometry: Reading Energies from Objects

This involves feeling the energies of objects to gain information. One of the most common ways it is used is when someone goes missing, and a psychic will hold an object of the missing person to gain information, hoping to find them or find out what happened to them. 

Personally, I have been able to use the photo of a missing person to gain information from them. One missing young woman connected to me and showed me what happened and where her body was. The local police did find her in that location. While the outcome was not what was hoped for, at least her loved ones got closure.

#8) Precognition: Sensing Future Events

The ability to sense what will happen in the future is a double-edged sword. This can happen as repeated visions while we are awake, and it can happen in our sleep state. The key here is that we seem to get pieces to the puzzle, and we need to put the puzzle together to understand what is about to happen, if anything. 

For about two years, I kept hearing the mantra, “2023 is the start of WWIII,” over and over, and I kept seeing young people (and I never knew where they were) being captured and beaten. I didn’t know what that was about, then when I heard that a terrorist group in Israel kidnapped over 100 people, I knew.

I also believe that we came close many times to a world war during that time. 

#9) Empathy: Feeling Others’ Emotions Deeply

The empath’s abilities can be overwhelming. It’s also important to know that the narcissistic personality is really drawn to those with this psychic ability. They are soft and easy to attain energy.

The empath needs to understand and learn how to detangle from those types of personalities.

#10) Energy Healing: Channeling Energy for Restoration

Healing energy is merely moving, shifting, and manipulating energies to help the body to heal. There are many styles and forms of this practice. One word of caution is not to absorb the negative energies you are working to remove.

Studying anatomy is also essential. If you are looking for an energy healer, ask that potential healer how they clean and clear themselves between clients and how they gained their knowledge. 

Reiki is a common form of energy healing. However, it seems that everyone is a ‘master,’ and this practice doesn’t teach people how to clear themselves properly. This often leads to burnout and the transfer of ‘baggage’ from one client to another.

Types of Psychic Abilities - Energy Healing

Unlocking Your Unique Abilities: Embracing Your Psychic Journey

Remember to not hand your power over to any psychic. Don’t let them tell you what they think they know. Ask them how they gain their information, how they vet their sources, and how they ensure you are kept in a safe space. This is really important for your soul health and well-being.

Study the abilities you are interested in or that resonates with you. Those who say ‘they just know’ should raise a red flag to you. It’s ok just to know, but we need to follow that up with learning how these abilities work within us.

Closing Thoughts on the Different Types of Psychic Abilities

Understanding the many types of psychic abilities unlocks a deeper connection to the unseen aspects of existence and our spiritual potential. This awareness empowers us to nurture our abilities responsibly, setting clear boundaries while expanding personal insight and healing. 

To explore these abilities further, Sovereignty: Soul Tribe—Navigating the Spiritual War provides guidance on maintaining energetic sovereignty while interacting with the spiritual realm. 

For hands-on tools, the Spiritual Self Defense (Part 1) course teaches techniques to shield yourself from negative energies and maintain spiritual well-being, ensuring a safe path forward in your psychic journey.