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How to Raise a Psychic Child: Nurturing Their Spiritual Gifts & Keeping Them Safe

What happens when you discover your child has psychic abilities? Looking for guidance and trustworthy help is just as crucial as ensuring they are adequately clothed, fed, and loved. Learning how to safely nurture their spiritual gifts and protect them from harmful elements of the unseen energetic world will ensure they live a vibrant life with a solid connection to GodSource.

How do you learn to see and sense what they do? How do you keep them safe? This article will explore those concepts and more.

Understanding Psychic Abilities in Children

Psychic abilities vary from person to person and in degrees. For example, some people can see ghosts outright; others can sense or see them partially. 

Signs Your Child May Have Psychic Abilities

These are just a few indications your child may have psychic gifts. And I use the term gift loosely. I would have often liked to have returned those ‘gifts’.  Navigating these waters is difficult, but you are your child’s parent for a reason.

Conversations with’ imaginary children’ are among the most common signs of a young child’s psychic abilities.’ As adults, we tend to say that a child has an overactive imagination.

What if they genuinely spoke with a ghost or other entity that we could not physically see?

A strong connection with nature is another sign of psychic abilities. Does your child talk to plants and animals? Do they appear extra emotionally connected to them and can feel or sense their pains and joys?

Sometimes, children innately know how to get to places. They will literally tell you where to turn when driving. How is it they know that? They could be listening to another source you are not privy to. 

Night terrors and sleep paralysis situations are another form of paranormal connections. Doctors often mention that these are ‘normal’ for children. In my work, I frequently find dark entities that are usually easily removed permanently. And it is not normal for your child to be terrorized.

How to Raise Psychic Children

How to Raise a Psychic Child

There is no one correct way to raise a psychic child. We need to learn how to best help them with their particular circumstances. Understanding what they are seeing and sensing is the first order of business.

Children often don’t fully understand what they can see or sense others don’t. This can lead to frustration and be somewhat scary for both child and parent.

Raising a psychic child requires us to be in tune with their needs and what they are experiencing on a deeper level. I know life is already full and rather exhausting, but this is important.

Learning to sense what they see and sense takes your power back as a parent.

Creating a Safe and Supportive Environment

Like all aspects of life, we must ensure that anything we encounter is for our greater good. Would you send your four-year-old to the park by themselves? Probably not, because it would not be safe.

If your child is communicating with entities you cannot see, you must learn to ask the right questions and attain some spiritual tools you can use to help vet the unseen, energetic world. 

Encouraging Open Communication About Psychic Experiences

All children have psychic abilities. The issue with psychic children is that their experiences are limited, and they often don’t question whether they are speaking with a ghost or other entity. They think this is the norm for everyone. 

You can ask your psychic child questions, but keep them brief and basic. You don’t want to put your child on a pedestal, nor do you want them to feel like they need to perform for you.

If they feel you want answers from them, they may start making them up, or—and this is somewhat common—a dark entity will enter and start posing as the light side.

Practical Tools and Techniques for Nurturing Their Gifts

Conversations about God, the Divine, spirituality, and religion are essential when raising a psychic child or any child. We are all everlasting souls, meaning this is not our first rodeo. 

It is also critical to learn how to protect your psychic child. Both the light and dark sides can see your child’s soul essence. 

My book, Soul Tribe Navigating the Spiritual War, contains many tools for helping your family and gaining more understanding.

Challenges of Raising a Psychic Child

Psychic children tend to feel more, and they have a hard time differentiating between their emotions and those of others. It’s like they are energetic sponges.

Learning to clear their energies, show them that these feelings and emotions are from others, and not absorb them helps their overall mental and emotional health.

Remember, this is a process.

Managing Skepticism and Misunderstanding from Others

Let’s face it: everyone else around you is a parenting expert and will gladly share what they know, what you are doing wrong, and more. When it comes to skepticism and misunderstandings, realize you got this.

There is no such thing as perfect parenting or perfect children. Raising psychic children is not for the faint of heart. We choose our parents, remember that. Somehow, your psychic child knew you were perfect for them.

Learn to trust your intuition. Growing and developing your intuition will help you and your family on many levels.

Addressing Fears and Emotional Sensitivity

Psychic Child

We need to teach balance. Many children are extremely sensitive to energies, emotions, thoughts, and more. This is a double-edged sword. We must teach them to be strong and hold a healthy level of detached compassion.

We can feel for a situation but don’t need to fall off the edge.

A psychic child’s fears may be real. Learn to ask your child what they see, feel, and feel. Then, work on helping them put it into perspective and create a balance.

The Role of Spiritual Practices in Psychic Development

Your psychic child must develop spiritual practices to learn to help themselves. Ensure that you are age-appropriate to their needs. A middle school-aged psychic child needs different information than a toddler.

Teach your child some basic visualization techniques. Our minds are a powerful asset. Have them visualize pouring down a salt rain and watch the bad guys run away crying.

Use some humor with them.

Meditation and Mindfulness Techniques for Children

Mediation and mindfulness techniques will help psychic children remain balanced. Teach them to ask for help and guidance. If they are old enough to write, have them draw or journal what they are experiencing.

Embracing the Journey of Raising a Psychic Child 

Presale orders for Battle with the Dark Side: My Journey from Teacher to Exorcist are now available. All presales will be signed author copies that I will mail to you. This book is more than just about my journey.

There are many stories and many experiences that may be beneficial.

There is also much information about “who’s who in the spiritual zoo.” It’s my sincere hope that people find this book helpful and uplifting. It’s time we start these challenging discussions about the spiritual realms and what we can do to regain our power.